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| 1981, August 29 West Berlin Platz der Republik- Friedenskonzert -
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Set List | Main Set- Alley Walk (2:30)
- The first half (roughly) of the released version (on Wavelength) played live. Fans will be aware already of the similarity between this track and the next. Since, however, Moorland has a quite distinct bass sequence, and since this does not appear for two and a half minutes, it is not unreasonable to consider that the two tracks were played as such.
- Moorland (3:00)
- Shorter than the released version on Daydream/Moorland, and without the rich vocoder effects towards the end. The lead-in slows the former track down to just a background sequence and chord padding on the tonic, at which point the main bass sequence joins in.
- Silver Scale (15:00)
- Unusually, there is no wah-wah sound as at the beginning of the Church Theme (as customarily appeared when this piece was played live). There are embellishments in the middle of the piece compared to the usual live rendition.
- Horns Of Doom (3:00)
- Remote Viewing (1:00)
- All that was played was the opening minute of the Exit version, used as an atmospheric intro (this also applies to all subsequent renditions of this track).
- Weird Village (2:00)
- The track from The Keep -- in fact the first time that a track from the official release of the OST of that film was played live. The released version has some new recording from about 2:00 onwards; when listening carefully one can just about hear the familiar Running Through The Hills sequence kick in before it is faded out and swamped with the new recordings. It is conceivable that the music was taken from this concert (or was a studio recording of the same piece).
- Silver Streaks (6:00)
- Trap Feeling (3:00)
- A unique appearance in the main set. Otherwise identical to previous live renditions during the earlier European tour.
- Scrap Yard (6:30)
- Same comment applies.
- Kiew Mission (8:00)
- The opening track from Exit, played for the first time (and in its entirety), and with the vocals sung live.
- Calymba Caly (10:45)
- Thermal Inversion (14:15)
- Force Majeure (3:30)
- For the first time, not preceded by a piano solo, but leading straight in from Thermal Inversion.
- The Price (3:00)
Encores- Choronzon (10:00)
(All times rounded to nearest 15 seconds and include bridges following song, if any.) Large parts of this section have been taken from the site What Dreams Are Made Of by kind permission of the authors John A. Burek and Mark Schaffer. |
Notes | This show is interesting for the fact that Silver Scale, normally the centrepiece of the second set, was played early on, whereas the sequence Calymba Caly / Thermal Inversion / Force Majeure / _THE_PRICE which had been prior associated with the first set was moved to the end. There was no mid-set break in this concert, a novelty in itself at the time. It also features some unique live music -- namely the only live performances to date of Alley Walk, Moorland, Weird Village and Running Through The Hills" (seems like TD plundered this concert for various soundtrack material) -- not to mention the only occasion on which Kiew Mission and the Trap Feeling / Scrap Yard medley were played during the main set, rather than as encores (notwithstanding, in the case of the former, the spoken word part from Warsaw 1983). It has been suggested that the live tapes of this concert jumble the actual order of the tracks, but careful listening reveals this not to be the case. |
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